Corneal Blindness

Diseases affecting the cornea are a major cause of blindness worldwide. According to the World Health Organization, approximately 2 million new cases are reported each year. Over 30 million people in the world are blind in one or both eyes from corneal injury or disease. Degradation of visual acuity is impacting many more.
World Map Showing the Supply and Demand of Corneal Transplantation of 148 Countries
"Our survey globally quantified the considerable shortage of corneal graft tissue, with only one cornea available for 70 needed. Efforts to encourage cornea donation must continue in all countries, but it is also essential to develop alternative and/or complementary solutions, such as corneal bio-engineering."

Source: JAMA Opthalmology issue February 2016, Global Survey of Corneal Transplantation and Eye Banking,Philippe Gain, MD, PhD Rémy Jullienne, MD; Zhiguo He PhD; et al