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Toam Katz, M.D. PhD

Hamburg, Germany

Dr. Katz is an experienced corneal and cataract surgeon. His main expertise is anterior segment diagnosis and treatments, as well as being an experienced corneal and cataract surgeon. In 2001 he began specializing in refractive lens and corneal laser surgery in Israel and in 2006 he moved to Germany to work at the University Ophthalmology Department (UKE) as an expert for corneal diseases and ectasias. Dr. Katz became a senior surgeon performing excimer, Femtolaser, manual and automated corneal surgeries, including corneal ring implantation, lamellar and penetrating keratoplasties and phototherapeutic keratoplasties.


Dr. Katz is the medical director of the largest refractive surgery net in Germany (Care Vision GmbH), and oversees hands-on training for refractive surgeons, quality management and solving surgical complications in corneal, phakic and pseudophakic procedures.


He is also an associate professor, heading corneal and pseudophakia research projects at UKE and has published more than 40 papers in leading journals, as well as a textbook “Complications of Corneal Laser Surgery.” As a member of ESCRS, DOG and DOC, Dr. Katz is active in courses and presentations in the leading European corneal congresses. His current research (2019) includes initiating and supervising five retrospective studies and one prospective study, which is under evaluation in the ethics commission at UKE, and developing artificial intelligence tools to diagnose keratoconus. The UKE eye clinic has a corneal bank as well as a center for experimental ophthalmology where retinal animal models are being studied.


Dr. Katz is enthusiastic in assisting CorNeat Vision and promoting clinical studies of corneal, scleral and glaucoma implants in animal models and humans in the University of Hamburg as soon as needed.


Dr. Toam Katz graduated the Hadassah University Medical School and specialized in ophthalmology at the Shaare Zedek University hospital in Jerusalem.



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